Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beauty in Art & The Unusual: When I read "Wolf, The Lives of Jack London" by Gerry

Beauty in Art & The Unusual: When I read "Wolf, The Lives of Jack London" by Gerry



1 comment:

Gerry said...

I watched the ten minute version on C-Span. Thank you so much for posting this again for me. A little later I want to do another post on what Jack London thought about men who turn to other men for sexual purposes because of being on ships for long periods of time with men only or other places like on the Yukon or riding the rails as he did. He developed a deep friendship with another man, a SF poet, who he talked of as the ideal male close companion but neither said whether this was a sexual relationship as Jack was then with Charmian.
Thanks so much for running down this link to the author. It was good to get better acquainted with him. I was excited about doing this review as at one time Jack London deeply excited me as a man close to nature and rough hewn enough to say what he thought regardless of the consequences. Haley's observations about Mark Twain muting his political views so as not to suffer consequences in his income illuminating as a recent bio I read about him and reviewed, The Man in White, was an extremely interesting book, too.