Miwok Wikileaks Reveal Corruption All The Way To Congress
Posted in America’s with tags Aboriginal, Albert Seeno, California Valley Miwok Tribe, Casino Gambling, chadd everone, congress, Corruption, dianne feinstein, everone files, George Miller, identity theft, indigenous, native, sheppard miller, Tribal Sovereignty, us news, wikileaks news on March 2, 2012 by Buffalohair
The paper trail I followed began with Dianne Feinstein and her personal friends formerly employed within the California Gambling Control Commission whom still enjoy strong and influential ties to that organization and the Bureau of Indian Affairs who have in violation of The Federal Code of Regulations (CFR 25) once again as in the past withheld tribal funds in essence effectually starving the CVMT out of existence. Though the Miwok were vindicated and Yakima Dixie disgraced, admitted to the original lie that originated this sham in the first place, the tribe is still without means. It was with the stroke of Under-Secretary of the BIA/DOI Larry EchoHawk’s pen on the re-affirmation of the department’s final agency action that mature status contract funding is now being wrongfully withheld from the tribe in spite of the totality of the fraud perpetrated against this proud and impoverished sovereign tribal nation. Guess that means that, if you’re rich enough and have political standing you are above the law and fraud is acceptable conduct as in the case of Dianne Feinstein and all her political and bureaucratic cronies.
I’ve only scratched the surface of the over 2,500 files Chadd Everone/Ludwig painstakingly collected. Frankly I was overwhelmed by the shear number of politicians and businessmen, carpetbaggers and gold-diggers that were involved. Senators, Representatives and Congressmen on both sides of the isle are implicated and their personal e-mails tell a very compelling story of absolute corruption just to build a casino. The California Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger was involved according to an e-mail from his office. Even the military was not spared by the Everone Files since it clearly identified a retired Rear Admiral of the US Navy who was trying to gain control of Treasure Island as a possible location for the casino, “Once the Tribe is secured”. What a shame it is to realize Indian Wars are still raging within the borders of The Land of the Free.
The frosting on the cake was when Chadd Everone/Ludwig casually stated to a question in open testimony what amounted to that Albert Seeno flew Congressmen George Miller to Washington in his private jet on numerous occasions to visit with Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and other influential high ranking elected officials to discuss the Miwok situation. There is a vast amount of information on these political figures and government employee’s, more than I could possibly relate in the confines of this story. It’s a good thing these juicy tidbits were made available for public record for there are more people implicated in this wholesale miscarriage of the public’s trust. Just for the record the University of Berkley, Californias’ Anthropology and Sciences Department cronies of Everone were in on the scam up to their eyelids according to documents, e-mails and other transmissions Chadd managed to collect.
Though there will be many more future revelations the Everone Files will undoubtedly expose there is another story here I do believe. What was Chadd going to do with all the documents he copied and stored on his web site? From all indicators it would appear he was collecting the goods on all the politicians he could get his hands on since these doc’s are very revealing to say the least. But wasn’t Albert Seeno his co-conspirator? Why was Chadd collecting the goods on Albert & Associates and another investor named Kuna as well as all the dirty politicians this scam brought into the limelight?
There is no honor among thieves and it would appear Chadd Everone was ultimately working for himself since his files are very incriminating to everyone involved. On the streets there was once a code of silence. Guess Chadd failed Wiseguy 101 and now everyone he was associated with will have to pay the price for his wikileaking in the now infamous Everone Files. With insiders and soon to be revealed co-conspirators in the DoJ it’s a small wonder none of these players need to worry about raids from the feds. The Everone Files also identify DoJ employees who are currently in ca-hoots and like I said, this is only the tip of the iceberg since I’ve only read a hand full of documents at this time. The business contract Yakima signed was a total fraud giving “Friends of Yakima” controlled exclusively by Chadd Everone, absolute financial control of the tribe while sidestepping well established federal Indian law. Yakima’s last will and testament was another masterpiece in fraud since it made Yakima’s descendants culpable for payments for generations to come. Chadd himself authored this document and being no attorney his lack of legal prowess is obvious.
On a side bar Chadd argues he was a PhD even though he never received his degree from a credible university. He simply decided he was a PhD, just because it makes him feel smarter. Eventually other journalists will wade into Chadd’s 2,500 documents and dig out even more salacious material on elected officials who’ve shirked their duty and betrayed their oath of office. Some of the largest developers in California also face some major challenges for their participation in this fraud. While the world is astounded at the magnitude of corruption involved in the attempted destruction of a sovereign tribal nation, the California Valley Miwok Tribe will continue to live and run the tribe on unemployment checks and USDA commodity foods. In America, in this day and age, really? Is this only as far as we have come in addressing the civil rights and legal and moral obligations to Americas federally recognized tribes and their members? How far beyond stupid is that? What is next for the CVMT? Death threats and crank phone calls are commonplace and just another day in the life for these people. Starvation and robbing them of their tribal income failed to eliminate them. One thing is for sure, now the world has an eye on the California Valley Miwok Tribe.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Tags: Miwok Wikileaks Reveal Corruption All The Way To Congress