It lifts our spirits, it fills our soul! Hello! I love surfing the WWW and collect shared links that I have enjoyed. I hope you enjoy them, too! In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 © Copyright Notice All original Art, Poetry and Stories posted on this site remains the sole property of the authors themselves.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Greg sent this out in E-Mail; Favorites of 2009
PHOTOTREK.446PHOTOGRAPHY.COM published a new entry entitled "Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot: 2009 Gallery" on 1/3/2010 12:02:43 AM, written by Greg A. Kiser.
Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot: 2009 Gallery
It has been a long while since I have participated in Carly's Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot. It just seems like the themes lately didn't play into what I had to offer, and then too I've been quite busy and just haven't had the chance to participate as much as I would have liked. This current theme is just too good to pass up though. Carly wants us to create a 2009 Gallery of our best work from last year. This is about as open ended as it gets, so what I'm going to do is select one photograph from each room of my gallery which was created in 2009 to post here. Its going to be hard to do, but I think it will be fun for me to try. we go starting with the Waterfall Room.
Careless Whisper
The Carroll Gap
Exposed Granite
Daisy Drop
The Best at Rest
Urban Oasis
Cleaning Her Face
Next to Sea
Foundation in History
The Ripple Effect
So, there you have it....some of my favorites of 2009. Of course there are many more than this, but I had to put a limit on what I post to keep from losing your attention. I hope you enjoyed the smattering of images from Four Forty-Six Photography.